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Smith, who plays Lloyd, is a seasoned rodeo veteran
A Montana ranching family deals with other people who encroach on their land. Forry J.
It’s basically a Montana gang war with massive doses of testosterone (cowboys on horseback with guns while fishing)!
John Dutton (Kevin Costner) often seems “forgetful”; his mountain accent and SoCal speaking voice usually drift back to him. (Review is for the first two seasons only) I wasn’t expecting to like this show, but the story, acting, and cinematography are great.
Costner is a great actor in the lead role of the Dutton family
The show is at its best when it shows the Duttons moving the chessboard and how their enemies operate. Kelsey Asbill is the weakest link as Monica and she is awfully bad, the story drags awkwardly and the acting misses the mark.
Thomas Rainwater is great too
I think Cole Houser as Rip is probably the strongest actor (without Costner) and I watched all the scenes where Rip was. The story is haunting and the scenery is beautiful.
I highly recommend it and wish I hadn’t waited so long to watch it
Like Cormac McCarthy’s “All The Pretty Horses”; a little more raw and brutal than the title suggests, this show hits in a similar way.